preferred_method: false
preferred_milk: false

Coffee from Long and Short Coffee for Aeropress

Long and Short Coffee is a small-batch artisan roaster based in London, E17.

They are passionate about only roasting the highest quality, speciality coffee. They roast for both filter and espresso to bring out the optimal flavours, sweetness & acidity for each brewing method.

They like to mix up their selection of coffees from time to time with both interesting and rare speciality coffees, however it is always aimed at the curious coffee drinker.

The Aeropress was invented in 2005 by Aerobie president Alan Adler. It makes a fantastic coffee machine for travelling as it is made from durable plastic.

Ground coffee and hot water are added to the main chamber.  After the required brewing period, the coffee is pushed through a paper filter by pressing the plunger. The resulting coffee is typically very clean and full flavoured.

Use the filtering below to help you find the Aeropress coffees you are after.

We also have a Hand Picked selection of coffees that are ideal for Aeropress.

We're coffee enthusiasts at heart and if you need some assistance in selecting your coffees we would love to help. Feel free to contact us at any time.

Long and Short Coffee
Long and Short Coffee

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