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Roaster Directory listing options

The Coffee Roasters UK/EU Coffee roaster directory and map (aka BIG list of roasters) attracts many thousands of visitors a month. It is consistently number #1 for Google searches of "coffee roasters UK".

Since 2014 it has been one of the most definitive guides to finding coffee roasters in the UK and the map has had almost 300,000 views.

Listings in the directory have and always will be free, and now we are enhancing the directory with different options for listings. 

Option Zero
Option One
Include our Directory Icon/Link on your site or blog
Option Two
Option Three
Basic Directory Listing - includes Name, logo, URL, 1 para description, address, social handles
Clickable link to your site
Listing shown in TCR Search results
Included in 1st page of directory (50 entries)
Included in Featured Roasters section at top of each directory page

If you would like to discuss how we can help give you more exposure, please contact us - we would love to hear from you.