Kiss the Hippo Coffee - London

Kiss the Hippo Coffee
50 George Street, Richmond, London, TW9 1HJ

Kiss the Hippo Coffee

Kiss the Hippo is a speciality coffee brand devoted to creating the ultimate coffee experience.

We accomplish this through a considered approach to coffee making that places a strong appreciation for quality and sustainability at the forefront. We aim to offer the most refined freshly roasted coffees, with seasonality in mind, we ethically source exceptional coffee lots from quality-focused producers around the world.


name:Kiss the Hippo Coffee; updated_at:2021-03-03 08:37:37 UTC; url:; role:roaster; location:50 George Street, Richmond, London, TW9 1HJ; instagram_handle:@Kissthehippo; facebook_handle:kissthehippocoffee; profile_image_url:;
Updated: 03-Mar-2021 08:37
50 George Street, Richmond, London, TW9 1HJ
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