Jack & The Beans Coffee Company - Pembrokeshire

Jack & The Beans Coffee Company

Jack & The Beans Coffee Company

Jack & The Beans Coffee Company is a family run micro-roasters based in Pembrokeshire, South Wales. We believe coffee shouldn't be as complicated as it is made out to be and put a huge emphasis on mass education to dispel some untruths. Our meticulous monitoring and small batch roasts allow us to unlock the potential of each bean. We focus solely on single origin coffees to enable us to shine a light on specific countries and show the wider world just what makes them special.


name:Jack & The Beans Coffee Company; role:roaster; updated_at:2021-04-05 04:11:38 UTC; url:https://www.jackandthebeans.co.uk; profile_image_url:https://static1.squarespace.com/static/5f7c6db2f7bfc124b6ce8c41/t/5f7c6e3509e2b5141f4ad4df/1616505563444/?format=1500w; facebook_handle:jackandthebeanscoffeeco; instagram_handle:jackandthebeansco; location:Pembrokeshire;
Updated: 05-Apr-2021 05:11
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