Campervan Coffee Co - Baldock, Hertfordshire

Campervan Coffee Co
28 Whitehorse Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire

Campervan Coffee Co
Campervan Coffee Co is now in its 5th year of roasting and suppling businesses across the HORECA market. Marc Howard, the owner of Campervan Coffee immersed himself into learning how to roast coffee after a successful career as a Barista and set up the wholesale business directed towards improving coffee service through education, collaboration and barista training. Campervan Coffee now supply, coffee bars, fine dining restaurants, cafes and businesses as well as selling online.


name:Campervan Coffee Co; updated_at:2020-05-21 08:58:49 UTC; url:; facebook_handle:CampervanCoffeeCo; instagram_handle:campervancoffeeco; location:28 Whitehorse Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire; twitter_handle:CampervanCC;
Updated: 21-May-2020 09:58
28 Whitehorse Street, Baldock, Hertfordshire
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