Cafe Du Monde Ltd - Sevenoaks, Kent

Cafe Du Monde Ltd
Unit 16 Platt Industrial Estate, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 8JL

Cafe Du Monde Ltd
We know exactly where our coffee beans are harvested, processed, dried and sorted. When they’re exported, our Café du Monde beans are collected and taken to our roaster. We have specifically chosen to use the convection roasting process, which means all Café du Monde beans are specially roasted in a fluid bed roaster - one of only four in the UK. This convection turbo roasting provides us with evenly roasted beans which have a very high extraction quality.


name:Cafe Du Monde Ltd; role:roaster; updated_at:2021-04-05 04:48:24 UTC; url:; profile_image_url:; location:Unit 16 Platt Industrial Estate, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 8JL; facebook_handle:CafeduMondeUK; instagram_handle:cafedumondeuk; twitter_handle:cafedumondeuk;
Updated: 05-Apr-2021 05:48
Unit 16 Platt Industrial Estate, Sevenoaks, Kent, TN15 8JL
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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