Unit 5, St James Mews, 276 St James Road, London, SE1 5JX
The London Bean Company
www.londonbeancompany.comOur founders, Robert and Frankie Haynes share a passion for coffee, having spent 7 years living in Australia they learnt that to make a good coffee takes time, patience and quality. They source only the finest coffee beans from around the world and develop original blends in their own micro-roaster in London
name: The London Bean Company;url:;location: Unit 5, St James Mews, 276 St James Road, London, SE1 5JX;profile_image_url:,h_398,al_c,q_80,usm_0.66_1.00_0.01/3697f6_8e0740b5990b41c3b56f9e5d932cba94.webp;twitter_handle: @TheLondonBean;updated_at: 02-May-2019 19:47;role: roaster;
Unit 5, St James Mews, 276 St James Road, London, SE1 5JX
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters