
Coffee Spot Roasters
East Sussex, TN38 8DW

Coffee Spot Roasters
We at Coffee Spot Roasters, are an independent artisan coffee roaster based in East Sussex that roast high quality graded origin coffee beans in small 1 kilo batches to ensure the bean character profile and aromas remain intact; we only roast on demand to assure you, our customer, that what you order is 100% FRESH roasted coffee beans. Coffee Spot Roasters passion is to explore the hidden 'sweet spot' of every Coffee Bean variety we encounter, producing what we hope you'll think as the best quality roast coffee beans in the UK.
name: Coffee Spot Roasters;url:;location: East Sussex, TN38 8DW;profile_image_url:;twitter_handle: @RoastersSpot;updated_at: 06-May-2015 15:59;role: roaster;
East Sussex, TN38 8DW
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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