
Roastworks Coffee Co
Unit 7, Blackdown park, Willand, Devon, EX15 2FS

Roastworks Coffee Co
We’re an independent speciality coffee roaster dedicated to engaging cafes and consumers in better coffee. We source exceptional, speciality grade beans and strive to highlighting their intrinsic qualities imparted by terroir and processing method. We roast our coffees on a stunning German-built vintage 60kg drum roaster, which we have recently restored.
location:Unit 7, Blackdown park, Willand, Devon, EX15 2FS; name:Roastworks Coffee Co; profile_image_url:; twitter_handle:@RoastworksDevon; updated_at:2019-07-04 08:43:48 UTC; url:; role:roaster;
Updated: 04-Jul-2019 09:43
Unit 7, Blackdown park, Willand, Devon, EX15 2FS
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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