Two Dogs Coffee Roasting Company - Treorchy, Wales
Treorchy, Wales, CF42 6RS
Two Dogs Coffee Roasting Company
www.twodogscoffeecompany.comTwo Dogs Coffee Roasting Company take Premium Origin Beans from around the world and roast them appropriately to bring out the individual flavours.
We also create our own Lighter Roast Blend (Jack) and Medium Dark Roast Blend (Gelert)by blending origin beans to our own recipes.
name:Two Dogs Coffee Roasting Company; updated_at:2020-04-26 06:18:38 UTC; url:; facebook_handle:twodogsroasting; instagram_handle:@twodogscoffee; location:Treorchy, Wales, CF42 6RS;
Updated: 26-Apr-2020 07:18
Treorchy, Wales, CF42 6RS
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters