Ridge Roastery - Waterlooville, Hampshire

Ridge Roastery
Waterlooville, Hampshire

Ridge Roastery is a small batch coffee company based in Waterlooville, Hampshire that is inspired by Japanese coffee and tea culture.

The owner, Jake, is focused on developing his craft of coffee roasting whilst being uncompromising in the pursuit of making the perfect coffee.

All of Ridge Roastery coffee’s are single-origin beans and freshly roasted to order.


name:Ridge Roastery; role:roaster; updated_at:2021-05-18 23:08:22 UTC; location:Waterlooville, Hampshire; url:https://www.ridgeroastery.co.uk; profile_image_url:https://scontent.fakl2-1.fna.fbcdn.net/v/t1.6435-9/166749809_243446997507843_6669074221065645603_n.jpg?_nc_cat=111&ccb=1-3&_nc_sid=973b4a&_nc_ohc=mWWpQhd8d8UAX_8No9b&_nc_ht=scontent.fakl2-1.fna&oh=fa0532309782f169910d947b7130aa9f&oe=60C97A27; facebook_handle:ridgeroasterycoffee; instagram_handle:ridgeroastery;
Updated: 19-May-2021 00:08
Waterlooville, Hampshire
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