Carnival Coffee Roasters - Penge, London

Carnival Coffee Roasters
Penge, London, SE20

Carnival Coffee Roasters
From our farm in Medellin, Colombia where we grow coffee to our garden roastery workshop in Penge. We hand roast small batches of speciality coffee from around the world. We provide wholesale coffee to businesses and cafes. As well a personalised coffee subscription and delivery to your home.


name:Carnival Coffee Roasters; updated_at:2021-02-09 05:17:16 UTC; url:; instagram_handle:@carnivalcoffeeroasters; location:Penge, London, SE20; twitter_handle:Carnivalcoffee1; facebook_handle:carnivalcoffeeroasters; role:roaster;
Updated: 09-Feb-2021 05:17
Penge, London, SE20
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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