Heart & Graft Coffee Roastery - Manchester

Heart & Graft Coffee Roastery
95 Greengate, Manchester, M3 7NG

Heart & Graft Coffee Roastery

Hidden in the heart of Manchester, behind a faux Victorian façade made out of reclaimed wood and glass. Heart & Graft roastery. The new home of the Coffee Circle & Uno coffee service. Coffee love in the heart of Manchester.


location:95 Greengate, Manchester, M3 7NG; name:Heart & Graft Coffee Roastery; twitter_handle:@HeartandGraft; updated_at:2019-12-21 17:46:03 UTC; url:https://www.heartandgraft.co.uk; instagram_handle:heartandgraft;
Updated: 21-Dec-2019 17:46
95 Greengate, Manchester, M3 7NG
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