Garraways Coffee - Bolton, Lancashire

Garraways Coffee
Unit 42 Bradley Court, Bradley Fold Trading Estate, Radcliffe Moor Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL2 6RT

Garraways Coffee
One of the UK's most trusted coffee service providers, servicing over 18,000 customers nationwide, with freshly roasted coffee, and other beverage items...


location:Unit 42 Bradley Court, Bradley Fold Trading Estate, Radcliffe Moor Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL2 6RT; name:Garraways Coffee; twitter_handle:@GarrawaysCoffee; updated_at:2020-06-28 02:44:25 UTC;; role:roaster;
Updated: 28-Jun-2020 03:56
Unit 42 Bradley Court, Bradley Fold Trading Estate, Radcliffe Moor Road, Bolton, Lancashire, BL2 6RT
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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