Sidewalk Coffee Co - Cambridge

Sidewalk Coffee Co
The Old Bull Shed, 8 Elsworth Road, Boxworth, Cambridge, CB23 4LX

Sidewalk Coffee Co
What we're about - We love coffee and believe that the UK has only just started on the journey of coffee appreciation. There's a lot to know. We don't know it all. No-one does. But we're committed to educating ourselves and others to get the best coffee to you at a great price. All locally roasted. Who are we? - We're two people who love roasting coffee and decided to start a coffee roasting business.


location:The Old Bull Shed, 8 Elsworth Road, Boxworth, Cambridge, CB23 4LX; name:Sidewalk Coffee Co; updated_at:2021-05-18 23:00:00 UTC; url:; role:roaster; facebook_handle:sidewalkcoffeeco; twitter_handle:coffee_sidewalk;
Updated: 19-May-2021 00:00
The Old Bull Shed, 8 Elsworth Road, Boxworth, Cambridge, CB23 4LX
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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