The Belfast Coffee Co - Belfast, Northern Ireland

The Belfast Coffee Co
430 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 3GY

The Belfast Coffee Co
Bringing the aroma and flavour of Belfast's shipyard coffee to life using a family recipe, roasted in the shadow of the Samson and Goliath cranes


location:430 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 3GY; name:The Belfast Coffee Co; twitter_handle:@belfastcoffeeco; updated_at:2020-11-18 01:12:37 UTC; url:; role:roaster;
Updated: 18-Nov-2020 01:17
430 Upper Newtownards Road, Belfast, Northern Ireland, BT4 3GY
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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