CounterRoast - Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland

Devonbanks Cottage, Pitgober, Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FK14 7PQ
Most coffee beans are roasted in large batches to standard settings. At CounterRoast, we're turning away from that and hand-roasting in small batches in our micro-roastery. Each batch will be tailored to preserve and enhance the unique characteristics of the premium green coffee beans that we've sourced. If it's unique single origin coffees you want (and we think you will), then get in touch. If signature blends are your thing too, we're running with those too. Come join us. You'll love it. We're sure.


location:Devonbanks Cottage, Pitgober, Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FK14 7PQ; name:CounterRoast; twitter_handle:@CounterRoast; updated_at:2020-06-28 04:09:36 UTC;; role:roaster;
Updated: 28-Jun-2020 05:09
Devonbanks Cottage, Pitgober, Dollar, Clackmannanshire, Scotland, FK14 7PQ
The Coffee Roasters offers the UK's largest range of arabica coffee beans - sent directly by artisan roasters

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